Monday 28 September 2009


This is a two colour screenprint sample that I printed before I actually went and printed my final design.  It helped me to get comfortable with the printing process.

Since I got the World's Smallest, I thought that it would be a good idea to make a list and brainstorm before I settled with the record that I would be designing.

Here is some research that I got out of a World Records Book, I photocopied each page that had a smallest world record, then i highlighted it which made it more fuller and gave readers a chance to look at other records.

After I photocopied records I thought that it would be a good idea for me to research other smallest records, and I found quite a few that I found interesting, one of which I used as my final design.

Since Andy Warhol is one of my favourite printers I became influenced highly by him throughout this project.  I love how he uses colour and the way his prints are so effective.

This Marilyn Monroe print was my favourite print by Warhol.  The textures and detail that he used made the print seem really life like and was very effective.

Since I wanted to focus on the worlds smallest tooth for my final idea, I had to come up with different ideas that would help me achieve a great outcome.  I wanted to add information onto my print, although it depended on the style of design that I went for.

I thought that it would be a good idea to focus on the inner part of the mouth, as in the jaw and skull, xray kind of design.  However I did not know how this would turn out as a final print, so I decided to just keep it as an idea.

Another idea was to focus on the smallest waist, however even though I came up with many ideas, I just wasnt as interested in this idea as I was about the smallest tooth idea.

There were many different printmakers that influenced my designs throughout this project from colour to design, which also helped me to understand my printmaking project more.

I thought for development it would be a good idea to take first hand photographs of peoples teeth to help me understand teeth in more detail. 

This was my final design print for my project, I wanted it on silver paper to represent the colour of peoples fillings and I also printed it onto gold as well.
I thought that my final print looked really well and I was impressed with it.

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